Monday , December 25 , 2000
 Happy Holidays
The darkest Night of the year
Is the Birthday of the Sun
Returned from Death with cheer
A rebirth of the Golden One!
And so turns the sacred wheel
And dark becomes light again
And even the Christians feel
The brotherhood of Men
So with gifts and lights
And boughs of evergreen
Peoples throughout this night
Celebrate the unseen made Seen
Traditions pass and memories fade
And others have stolen the day
But when carols are sung and toasts are made
Obeisance is made to an older way.
Panta Claus flies overhead
Bringing past to present this night
To bring the Sun back from the dead
And show us moderns what is right.
Not so nice, not so clean,
Panta Claus likes his fun
He's not a celibate dean,
He likes his flesh on the run.
The time has come to bring him back
From ages past in a new coat
And a huge and Toy-filled sack
This jolly man with the legs of a goat.