Monday , February 24 , 2003
PDI is still on a short hiatus (anyone else getting sick of that word? Let's start calling it a caesura), but we're still busy! Here's some of what we're doing:
New member:
 | Andrick is now a member, in honor of a few things. Talbon has returned and created this card, as well as some of the other new auxilliary material. |
 | Goose is also a new member, awarded as prize in the caption contest. Art by Talbon. |
We're running a new round of the caption contest -- this one based on an old Fire on the Mountain (Scix' other comic):
Sample captions:
- "This is not entirely what I meant when I told you to pick up a six-pack of Sprites."
- "Nice Can."
- "Take a seat over there guys, we'll be ready to handle the auditions for Weakest Link in a half hour."
- I think wes hould stop the tests right now... I'm beginning to see weird things...
For more, dive on in. Previous rounds are also available for a good laugh. |
This is an aerial photo of Inner City and surrounding area, showing the placement of the Institute compound.
 And this is an overhead view of the place, showing the various wings of the institute. Imagine how much it must cost to heat that! Good thing we live in the near-tropics. Both images, again, courtesy of Talbon. Interior maps are being designed as well. |